Tom Harding

As we stand on the eve of the twenty first century, we can see the advancements in the technology of science, medicine, and electronics. We listen to men boast of their great progress, and admittedly, men have made significant progress in these areas. We do give thanks because these advancements can and do exist not only for the physical good of mankind, but also for the spiritual good of God's elect. We have been given these commodities as a means to spread the gospel around the world by radio, television, computers and the printed page. Let us be faithful to use whatever the means may be to declare the gospel of God's grace to our generation. However, let us not try to modernize or try to make progress to improve the gospel. The gospel needs not the art and wisdom of men nor the technology of men to make it effective to the hearts of the elect. We need only to proclaim the truth not improve it. The same ancient gospel that Abraham believed four thousands years ago is the same gospel that we embrace and preach today (Romans 4:3). The gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ is like Himself: eternal and powerful and always on the cutting edge of technology. Therefore, let us be always faithful to preach Christ; it is the only message that will grant pardon to the guilty, it's the only message that will comfort the sheep, it's the only message that gives God all the glory and gives Jesus Christ all the preeminence in salvation. We must be about our Father's business. As His spiritual children, let us make a vigorous effort in this new year to preach Christ whenever the opportunity is given: to our children, to our neighbors, or to those who we work with. Listen to the words of the Apostle Paul, I charge thee before God, and the Lord Jesus Christ, who shall judge the quick and the dead at His appealing and His kingdom; preach the word." (2 Tim. 4:1-2). You might say, "but I'm no preacher," this may be true, but preaching is only one beggar telling another beggar where he found bread. "I AM THE BREAD OF LIFE" (John 6:35).

Tom Harding, Pastor
Zebulon Baptist Church
Pikeville, Ky.

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